Employee Happiness Packages

One of my biggest accomplishments in all of my recent positions was to be able to shift the work environment a little by doing small things that make a big difference. It’s organizing staff potlucks and events where they can socialize and get to know each other. It’s writing newsletters to keep employees in larger organizations aware of what’s happening around them and to provide opportunities for employees to get to know each other and create connections. It’s creating volunteer opportunities for your employees so they feel like they belong, and feel great about making a different in their community. Or doing small things like decorating the office for upcoming holidays, or posting motivational cards in bathrooms (they work!).

It does, however, take a certain type of person to do and plan these things – and sometimes employees don’t want these duties added to their existing job duties, or just don’t enjoy doing them.

Hiring someone to start or keep these events going at your business or organization can have huge payoffs for you and your employees. There are even studies showing that happy employees increase productivity.

Back in 2014 I started what is now the infamous Chili Cook Off for the intermediate school I worked at. It included judges with placards and tally sheets, toppings, and trophies for the winners. I’m proud to say that even after being gone for three years, the annual event is still going strong because it has become such a part of their culture.

Whether it’s a chili cook off, an or ice cream or hot chocolate bar (with ALL the toppings), or a good ole’ holiday themed breakfast or lunch, I can help you pull it off, time and time again.

Click here (add link) for sample pricing information and the various combinations for events and newsletter writing.